Sunday 19 July 2015

Buckwheat crepes with walnut strawberries.

Hi healthy eaters!
Owing to the fact that we've got the season filled with summer fruit, we've decided to make use of them this time as well. As you already know how great pancakes lovers we are, there's no denying that in  today's post we've got something similar to it, but obviously special in its way. So let's say a few words about strawberries this time, as they're included in our meal for today. Well, as probably most of you know, strawberries are most familiar for those living in Europe, however, nowadays even plantations of these berries have moved to different regions in the world. What is more, they include tons of nutrients, which help you maintain the proper level of some minerals and vitamins. Strawberries are low in calories and fats, because it's estimated that per 100g there are around 32 cal. Additionally, because of the fact that they involve high amounts of certain chemicals, these berries may have potential health benefits against ageing, cancer, inflammation and also neurological diseases. Fresh berries are a great source of vitamin C, but also rich in B-complex group of vitamins, such as vitamin B-6, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and folic acid. But the list does not end here! They're filled with other vitamins and minerals as well, like vitamin A or E, potassium, manganese and iron. All three minerals play a vital role in you organism, because for instance potassium helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. When it comes to iron, it's required for red blood cell formation. But remember, these are just basic information for you to apprehend, there are many more health benefits, which we can gain by eating strawberries. So have fun in kitchen this time as well and create something beautiful with them.

Wholesome cooking! 

For pancakes:
1,5 cup buckwheat groats
1 tsp cinnamon

For strawberries:
200g strawberries
2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp muscovado sugar
1 tsp cinnamon

Pour buckwheat groats with water and leave for a night to soak. Before preparing, remove old water and place groats in a blender. Add as much water as you want the consistency of batter you like. It can be a consistency similar to yoghurt or more runny. You can fry them without additional oil, just remember to preheat pan.

Wash strawberries, remove sepals, cut into half. In a pan melt butter combined with cinnamon and muscovado sugar and wait until it caramelises. Add strawberries and cook until smooth.

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