Friday 6 February 2015

Almond milk

Hi healthy eaters !
We, humans, usually get bored of things rapidly and we’re likely to get frustrated really fast. Some people are just super creative and make up incredible things in order not to go bananas. And if you reckon you were not born creative, we bet you were. You may not be aware of it yet, but we’re telling you right now that we’re amdament that you’ve been inventing  some awesome things so far.
Alright, alright, we don’t know each other personally or even visually, but there are no human beings who have not created anything in their entire life. It does not have to be a carving, a painting or a time machine, it’s all about those little things that can bring a smile back. Well, the point is that we just need to look deeper into our body and soul because somewhere there, we might be artists of any kind. And that’s what happened to us recently, as far as milk is concerned. We jumped for joy at the idea of making an almond milk because of the fact that generally  we dislike drinking a pure one (maybe it’s owing to the raw taste of it, who knows ?!). The recipe will certainly hold appeal to you in terms of the simplicity of it. Your budget also will not get smaller because you don’t need much to make this extract. You can read more about the almond milk below. Enjoy!

Wholesome cooking !

1 cup almonds
4 cups fresh water

Let almonds to soak about 8-48 hours. The best idea is to place them in a bowl, pour water to cover all almonds and leave them for a night. Next day, remove water and put almonds in blender. Add water. Mix together for about 1-2 minutes. Now you will need a bowl, metal strainer and a cheesecloth. Place strainer on a bowl and cover it with strainer. Pour almons mixture into strainer and let it sink into bowl. Crush almonds in cheesecloth to get more almond milk. The end!

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